الخميس، 13 فبراير 2020

Why did God forbid eating cats and dogs? Scientific miracle proved by Chinese scholars

Why did God forbid eating cats and dogs? Scientific miracle proved by Chinese scholars

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 God forbids eating cats and dogs
And that the Prophet Muhammad,
the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - forbade “from every one who has a canine from the seventy,
 and from every one that has a claw of a bird.”

Scientific facts 
Modern science has shown that prey meat carries many parasites that cause serious diseases for those who eat them,
 and these parasites 

1- The parasitic noodles parasitoid Nativa 
 This parasite spreads between polar foxes and bears
, and affects a person
as soon as he consumes the flesh of these animals or animals that incubate this parasite secondary like cats 

2- Semi-helical capillaries 
These parasites
(Tricnelia black and cipralis) are present in birds of prey (with claw)
, and humans become infected if they eat the flesh of these birds,
 such as eagles, eagles, hawks, and others.

3- Parasite of Trichinella Nelson 
 This parasite is spread in hyenas, jackals, tigers, lions, and some other predators.

There is no doubt that these parasites cause serious diseases as we have said,
among these deadly diseases that have emerged recently,
 SARS disease that invaded China and Southeast Asia,
 and moved to other regions in the world,
until it caused tremendous panic for all people,
 and recent studies have proven that it is the result of eating prey And dogs, according to what was announced.
 It came under the title
"SARS caused by the Chinese eating kittens and wild dogs."
 Scientists from China and Hong Kong said that
the SARS virus may be
transmitted to humans from civet cats and raccoon dogs 

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